
If someone hits you, will you hit them back? Slap, Punch, Shove?

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It doesn't matter how the insult began, will you retaliate?

Doesn't matter what the situation might be, I just want to know if most of you will defend yourself if physically confronted!!??




  1. It depends on the situation. Violence begets violence and situations may escalate. Walking away or calling the authorities is best but sometimes a return hit is appropriate and necessary.

  2. If I felt I was in danger, you better believe it.......otherwise...I would walk away and think how stupid that person was......(I don't hit people or animals!!)  I am a female from TEXAS....I can devour them with my mouth.....ha ha........

  3. Definitely.  If that doesn' t calm them down, grab what's around and knock 'em silly.  I don't think 'joke' slapping exists.  If so, I'll 'joke' slap them back.

    It is only human nature to want to defend yourself.  Whoever says differently is selling something.

    Lol - Sorry too - I have a little troll: ♥ who has four accounts and like to thumbs-down me.  It is good to see she cares so much :O).

  4. Words are words,but if someone hits me or makes the attempt,Ooooo baby!  Not only will you be learning how to wipe yourself with a hook,but I'll hit you so hard,the line in your @ss will go the other way. And may Heaven help anyone who gets in between us.

  5. No way! First of all, I am not someone who believes in that sort of thing. I think if you have that sort of mentality, you can exacerbate the problem.

    I wrote on here recently about a neighbor who didn't like the fact that I asked her son, relative, or whoever to stop setting off fireworks. I heard her say to her sister: "Come on, let's get her!" I was about a block away when she said this and I whimpered to her that she better not hit me. Had I gotten all ghetto and taken off my earrings, what would that have solved? I have too much civilized blood coursing through my veins to do that...

  6. If I'm seriously hit (not just joking around), yes, I will defend myself. Just like if someone broke into my house with a gun, yes, they would get shot. If the sound of me jacking a round into my 12 gauge isn't enough of a warning...I don't know what is.

  7. It depends on the situation, and on the assailant.  It's almost always better to simply remove yourself from the situation, because it's not going to end with your retaliation - it will just keep going and escalating.

    Just because they start the attack, doesn't give you the right to continue it.  It's petty and immature to insist on "an eye for an eye."

  8. I WILL defend myself only if the individual hits me first, they don't have a weapon (hard to tell sometimes, I know), and they're not bigger than me.

  9. In a playful manor I don't hit back.  In a confrontational way I always hit back.  That has a lot to do with my background though.

  10. I would not hit them back.  I would dial up the cops and have them charged with assault and battery.  That will hurt a lot more than my puny punch ever would.

  11. i wont say i will, but i will say that i have. got arrested with a disorderly conduct. both of us did. was it worth it? yes

  12. I am very much against violence and physical confrontation. I would try to resolve the issue in every other way, before resorting to violence.

    However, if someone hits me - I'd KO their punk a$$.

  13. I'm not much of a fighter.  I would likely demand to know the reason or just run in the other direction.  If, however, they were attacking someone I love, I would do whatever was necessary to stop it.

  14. Punch.  And punch again.  If you're not ready for a fight then you shouldn't have put your hands on me in any fashion whatsoever.

  15. Yes I will. Ive been told I punch like a man. Im a 15 year old girl.

  16. Yep, I will hit back, and hit back harder. Unless they are way more powerful than me, then I'll walk away. If I might get in trouble, I won't do anything.

  17. if somone hits me is open season!

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