
If someone hooked up my boat hydraulic steering wrong, on a tower, could it damage the helm?

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If someone hooked up my boat hydraulic steering wrong, on a tower, could it damage the helm?




  1. no

  2. shouldnt, but it would have no steering, or backwards steering.

  3. hi ..

    it depends what they did... I I assume you mean they put it the wrong way round.  If they did the only way it would damage the helm is if  some one was steering  from the tower and some one was trying to steer from the helm at the same time.

    Believe it or not its a comon thing for people to put hydraulic steering on the wrong way.  even  marine mechanics will tell you they have done it.

    Go on is that some one who hooked it up you??  If so welcome to the club.!!

  4. No it shouldnt but it'll turn backwards

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