
If someone is a commitment phobe and they lose someone important to them because of it....?

by  |  earlier

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Do they kick themselves ... or say ''good - I'm glad they've gone'' ... and mean it!

ok - in this situation thier loss is going to be someon elses gain - and I know they will be really upset when that happens - but its not my fault their fear stopped them!

Then they'll ask - why him - and not me? ... its coz you couldn't bleeding offer me what he can!! lol




  1. It just reinforces their fear.  If commitment comes up and they get all scared and lose the relationship due to it, then they just got more scared next time.   Commitment-phobes are just no good for real relationships

  2. it depends on the person , and unless you still care for the person you should'nt really care

  3. OK I am not too sure what your question is however I can say this. When people who are commitment phobes loose that one person that they should have committed to, I am sure they feel remorse a little while down the line. Anyone would.

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