
If someone is a tinker, what are they?

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I guess I thought there was a connection with thinker & stinker.

So a tinker would be a stinker thinker.




  1. a travelling pot mender

    you'd go from village to village and fix people's pots by s******g plates of tin over the hole

  2.   tinker

    3 entries found.

    tinker[1,noun]tinker[2,verb]tinker's d**n  


    Main Entry: 1tin·ker  

    Pronunciation: \ˈtiŋ-kər\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English tinkere

    Date: 14th century

    1 a: a usually itinerant mender of household utensils b: an unskillful mender : bungler

    2chiefly Irish : gypsy

  3. Usually used to describe a gypsy. Sometimes used as an affectionate admonition to a child, eg You little tinker !

  4. They are mostly jack of all and master of none. A tinker will find his way to make some small adjustments, in an attempt to improve or repair gadgets, household articles and machines or other things.

    In former times, a tinker was a person who did not have a fixed home, but travelled from place to place mending metal pots and doing other small repair jobs.

    In British English, some people refer to any travelers or gypsy, especially one who is Irish, as a tinker ; an offensive use.


  5. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts or they are formerly a person like a gypsy who traveles from place to place mending pots and kettles and other metal utensils as a way to earn a living. selling there body for money, people doing something to earn money while they are tralleling and living around.  

  6. The work with tin, as in shaping it to make household objects, especially candle holders

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