
If someone is accused of felonie theft 7 years ago... can they still be arrested?

by  |  earlier

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this is in california




  1. It depends if the case is still open or new evidence has been detected.  

  2. Sorry... I gave Lov4nzyx a thumbs and shouldn't have. I will agree with their answer.

  3. I think this might answer your question.

  4. I am not sure what you are asking.  IF a felony complaint was filed and a warrant was issued seven years ago, that satisfied the statute of limitations, and he can be arrested at any time thereafter.  There may be constitutional problems arising from unreasonable delay in the prosecution, but that will not prevent his arrest.

    IF no charges were filed, the statute of limitations upon most felony thefts in California is 4 years from the date the theft was DISCOVERED.  So if the offense was discovered less than four years ago, a charge could still be filed.

  5. Yes,  Felonies have no time limit. If the DA's office can produce enough evidence against the subject it will be brought to court.

  6. Were they convicted? if not they, it depends on the law of statutation in that state. If they were, then you can't go back and try a person for the same crime, that's double jeopardy.

  7. The Statute of Limitations and Deadline for Collections form the twin pillars of ultimate justice for the wrongfully accused and the targets of scams. Also they perform similar functions for the slick and the crooked. The innocent eventually getting their lives back outweighs the successfully evasive getting caught "next time". In the aerial view, it's the lesser of evils. The time periods vary from State to State and the specifics of each case. There is no expiration on murder, or conspiracy to assault in most jurisdictions, for example. The general 4 year deadline for collections can be adjusted by court actions in advance or retroactively. Any kind of case involving a deadline, can be modified by court action, if reasonable cause was created by exceptional circumstances, such as suppressed childhood memories emerging in adulthood decades later. Anyone can be arrested for anything at any time whether they logically should have been or not. Court actions are supposed to straighten that out swiftly, by Constitutional Law. Officers who make a habit of wasting the court's time and stirring up wrongful arrest cases, usually face suspension by their departments. Regards, Larry.

  8. Were they just accused or were warrants actually issued? There are a statute of limitations both ways. They only have so much time either way to do something about it. You can look up your states statute of limitations and find out the exact time period.

  9. It depends on the felony.  There are some felonies that do not have any statute of limitations and can be prosecuted forever.  There are time limitations on other felonies.

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