
If someone is borderline mentally retarded(or borderline intellectual functioning), what would their?

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educational classification be for special education?




  1. If they do not meet the criteria, they will not be placed in special education.

  2. a canidate for president..

  3. There are so many conditions that exist and are very much alike. To help with educational classification you would need as much information as people with the same condition can vary. It would also depend on the diagnosis.

  4. No easy answer.  It all depends.  Some may be given an MR label so that they can qualify for services, using the margin of error to justify a lower IQ.  Some may show a discrepancy between the components of the IQ test and qualify as SLD (specific learning disability).  Some may also have speech and language issues so that will qualify them as SLI (speech and Language Impaired) and the IEP team will augment with additional special education services.  The IEP team could determine to categorize them as SLD (specific learning disability) without any discrepancy, this is rare.  Also rare, if they have a medical diagnosis of ADD/ADHD they may qualify as OHI (other health impaired).  Under the new IDEA legislation they may be classified through RtI (response to instruction), meaning they fail to show growth even with different forms of instruction.  In most cases, however, these are the students that are not served under special education and are "allowed to fail".  Borderline students may be running as fast as they can to achieve 2nd grade levels in 4th grade so their is no discrepancy between their ability and their academic achievment.

    Hope this answers your question and doesn't just confuse you more.

  5. cognitive deficit

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