
If someone is different , than why do people judge? why can't they accept them for who they are?

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If someone is different , than why do people judge? why can't they accept them for who they are?




  1. It is the human nature,

    so people behave like this and will do so till eternity,

    nothing can be done about it.

  2. i think its that many people are afriad of what they do not know

    dude i so know what you're going through

    people can be very judgemental.

    it's reaally tough sometimes

    just try surrounding yourself with people who won't tear you down

    that helped me alot

    also if you want to talk about how God can help you through this, just message me :)

  3. ...not everyone think alike...nor do they care...

  4. it's because i'm jealous of what they have... and i'm judging people (in a bad way) because i am not satisifies with myself.... (i don't judge people, cuz man i'm happy with me....

  5. Basic human instinct is to judge when we see something we do not understand...we judge because we need a basis for comparison to the norm. As useless and judgemental as this is, this is the way the human mind often works. It is how we were raised, and our job is to ensure that future generations do not reciprocate these types of thoughts.

  6. Most people can. There are some people though that look at them selves and they may be beautiful and then look at another person and think oh, there not pretty. Some of those people are un stable. Others that look at yours clothes think only material matters...or think if for example you don't shop at abercrombie an fitch that your not good enough to be there friend. Personally ive found that being yourself is the best way to go. Have fun and be yourself :)

  7. It's Darwinism my dear.

    The group must deem your 'similar' enough to be capable of promoting the group interest.

    Why don't you accept child molesters as the lovers of s**y innocence they see themselves as?

    They are just too different.    It's better to kill or exile them than endure the society that results from 'accepting' who they are.

    Though the FIRST people we should exile are the Supreme Court Justices that ruled the Death Penalty for Child Molesters is unconstitutional.  

  8. Because they SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. People can't accept others because people can't accept themselves.Our physical body is nothing more than a display of what we see as our weaknesses. So we try to cover it up with a facade. We judge others to make ourselves look better and cover up our weaknesses. This is only human, so we have to rise above being human. So when people judge you, look at it as them displaying their weaknesses to you. It is almost a cry for help or justification. They are the worst of for judging you, they would judge you unless they saw something in you they were threatened by. You can even use this judging to make you friends and make peace in this world. People don't hate each other they only hate themselves. Which is silly, beacuse, in the end, it really does not matter. We all suffer from the same problems but on different levels because we exist. It is all in our minds. In the end, everything that is physical is physical because it is imperfect, we are all the literally the same.

  10. I guess maybe because they need to judge others and see them as beneath themselves in order to feel good about themselves. But the day that people comfortable with themselves is the day they stop judging unfortunately for us being completely comfortable with ourselves isn't easy. But I totally get why you're frustrated.

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