
If someone is elected by the College of Cardinals to be the new Pope?

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Do they HAVE to change their name, or are they allowed to keep their own name?




  1. They are allowed to keep their names from what I see but the tradition of taking a name has been firmly rooted for years in the Catholic Church.

  2. That's a good question and I don't have a fast ready answer. God called a man to serve him in Genesis named Abram and when Abram said yes God said I will call you Abraham.  A Pharisee named Saul was present at the stoning of Stephen and had a conversion vision outside of Damascus and Saul became Paul.

    Catholics are given a name they are Baptized with and in our culture later when that Baptism is confirmed the take another confirmation name.

    It seems when an Individual is chosen to serve as Pope they are serving Christ in a new capacity and a new name helps set the tone.

    At a Catholic Mass of the Resurrection a Pall is placed over the Casket and the Deceased remains are blessed at the rear of the Church and addressed by their Baptismal name.

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