
If someone is fired or laid off at your company, how long can they stay?

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If someone is fired or laid off at your employer, how long are they allowed to stay and say good bye to coworkers and clean out their desks? I was fired once for a personality conflict and asked to leave immediately. I was not able to say good bye or clean out my desk. That was done by HR and it was mailed to me along with my final paycheck.




  1. There are no policies regarding this.

    Personally at my company, when employees are let go for any reason, they are escorted off the property by armed security guards after collecting their belongings (under armed guard supervision).

    Of course I work at a high security location.

  2. You can only stay as long as the company allows.

  3. It depends on the company policies and the particular circumstances. Usually, if someone is fired, they will either have their personal items boxed up before they even show up to work the day they are told they are fired, or they will be supervised while they pack their stuff up. Then they will be (usually) immediately escorted out the door.

    If someone is laid off, it can go either way. I've seen some (usually a mass lay off), where they are escorted out right away, and, usually for just one or two people (I had this happen to me), they are told they can work the remainder of the week. (In my particular situation, I was also told I could still attend the company holiday party, but I turned down their offer.)

  4. Escorted off site immediately where i work.

  5. Where I use to work and someone got fired they were escorted out of the building by the security guard.

    Companies does not want a disgruntled employee disrupting the entire work place.

  6. they should leave immediately if you ask me its not a nice world that we live in unfortuantely

  7. It really depends on the situation.  Some people are shown the door immediately.  Others, like my friend, were allowed to stay on for about a month.  There is no hard and fast rule.

  8. They are not.  Usually they are escorted to their office and watched while they clean their belongings out and then escorted permanently off the premises.  No time for byes.

  9. There is no right answer... It depends on the company you work for and the circumstances surrounding your dismissal.  I've seen people escorted out of the building and not being allowed re-entry... and then others allowed to stay until the end of the day.

  10. You can always retrieve your personal property, but they can certainly insist that you do it immediately.

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