
If someone is from London is it okay to call them England as a nickname?

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If someone is from London is it okay to call them England as a nickname?




  1. It's a bit strange - I'm from London, and I wouldn't like it if someone called me that repeatedly!

  2. as long as it doesn't hurt their feelings. There was a polish immigrant at my school and we just called her poland because we couldnt pronounce her real name. she hated it though.

  3. No - I think most people from London would object - how would Americans like it if we called them Bloody Yanks to their faces?

  4. It doesn't seem offensive, but it does seem a little bit odd. On the other hand there is not any readily recognized word to use instead. There is a brilliant 1999 film called "The Limey" which is named after an old 19th century nickname for the British. If you and your friend enjoy the film it might make a good nickname.

    Terence Stamp, who is "the limey" of the film title, is a great English Actor. In the film he plays a small time career thief who comes to LA to investigate the suspicous death of his daughter, and comes face to face with the ugliest parts of American culture. There is "flashbacks" in the movie, which are actually scenes from a movie that starred Terence Stamp thirty years ago.

  5. As long as they don't mind.

    That's like calling someone from San Francisco America...seems abit strange, but hey, why not.

  6. I think it is a bit rude.  Why can't you call them by their name?  Manners cost nothing.

  7. No

  8. Sounds a bit immature to me.

    Rosie Lee or Guy Forkes would perhaps be more appropriate.

  9. If its a guy I think they would appreciate Big Ben a bit more!! Ha! If this is a girl then England may work... Hope i helped. I love London, I was born there!

  10. If I went to US and was called England, I would feel a little hurt because I wouldn't dream of calling anyone visiting from the US "America"  -  it's rude!!!

  11. no, cause about half the people in london aren't even english....Scotlands the way to go btw;):)

  12. That's just lame.

    If you were from the U.S., and your name wasn't Gary Bonds, would you like the nickname "U.S.?" How about America?

    See where I'm going with this?

  13. I'm from Londom and I wouldn't mind it.

  14. Only if you are keen to display your own ignorance.

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