I feel sorry for people VERY easily, even if they're wrong. If they're hurt mentally, physically, sexually, etc., I feel bad for them.
It breaks my heart that someone goes through pain-physical or psychological, & someone else says, "She deserved it. I DON'T feel sorry for her!" I think that's cruel for people to be so cold-hearted.
People take advantage of me, & misuse & abuse me in EVERY way they can, for no reason. I don't have to do anything. They treat me like this because of my disability. & then, they lie on me, trying to make me like the criminal. After the cops abuse me & threaten to throw me in jail, the people laugh & say, "Ah, ha! That's why I beat your @$$ & YOU almost got locked up!" (in a teasing way). People are very cruel & abusive, & they bully me for no reason.
I don't like to see myself or anyone else hurt. If something bad happens to you that's beyond your fault, ex: Hurricane Katrina, people say they wish I would've drowned.