
If someone is half werewolf and half vampire what is the temperature of a vampire werewolf? ?

by Guest59241  |  earlier

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If you cant answer that then answer this.

What is the temperature of a werewolf?




  1. lol sorry idk

  2. whatever disney says it is. they control everything.

  3. well it would prob depend if it were a lil bit more werewolf or a lil bit more vampire

  4. dude just watch blade 2  plus the underworld  it might tell u in those movies

  5. If someone is half twilight fan, and half idiot, what is their IQ?

  6. 38.6

  7. Werewolves and vampires are fake.

  8. im guessing between -12 F and 102 F (depending on the weight of the werewolf-vampire in question)

  9. About as hot as the surface of the sun

  10. 60 degrees.

  11. Why don't you pull out your trusty rectal thermometer and ask the nearest hybrid vamp-werewolf to oblige? Maybe you'll live to tell us the answer.

  12. About the temperature of a wolf or dog, I'd say.

    And a vampire werewolf?

    Ummm.... probably about eighty or ninety, assuming you think vampires are cold-blooded.

  13. Most undead need not keep a blood temperature above that of the local atmosphere.  However, a vampire often passes himself off as the living.  Therefore, a vampire will maintain a regular human temperature of 98.6.  A wolf is a warm blooded animal, as a human is, but their average temperature is slightly lower at 95.8.  The average of these two temperatures is 97.2 and that is the answer.  

  14. is this based around twilight?


    i always did wonder that...

    i guess....

    like a normal human, I guess.

    yeah that would make sence.

  15. Unfortunately neither exist so this question is irrelevant. I am sorry to say that you are just another twilight obsessed fan. Its ok to like the book but to believe in them is ridiculous.  

  16. I don't know.  Wouldn't transmutation of human/vamp into a wolf need a lot of energy (in order to change the cells)?   Does that put out a lot of heat? So, a vampire is cold to the touch = dead, but then during any changes (like becoming another form) become searingly hot at the time of change.  Which also might account for the ravenous feeding needs for both. Huh.

  17. 3 (or thereabouts)

  18. A vampire is already dead and a werewolf is considered living so the body temperature hypothetically could even out but most likely would be below human average 98.6 F.

    A Werewolf is a transformation of a human so the temperature would be that of a human.

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