
If someone is nasty to you on Q&A?

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What can you to stop them, I know you can block them, but if they change their avatar are they still blocked.




  1. If Yahoo can notify you, because they say your answer was not suitable, but give you the opportunity to respond as to the reason you gave the answer you did, then I see no reason why you couldn't make a formal complaint to Yahoo and have this person removed.

    Seems to me harassment is a NO NO and shouldn't be tolerated nor allowed.

    If you're being harassed in any way, shape or form you should have the right to give a permanent "thumbs down" to nasty people and I say that lightly (people).

    Interesting question.  You just started my motor running.  Nasty people are just that, NASTY!  No one needs stupid, uncaring, remarks.  Flag Them!  You have your rights too.

  2. depends on what you mean by nasty....are they just critising your post or you simply dont like their response...then just move on...not every one would agree with you...

    but if they are being a bully...and attacking you personally..then report their name and everything to the secuity people....and how did you know they were coming back with changed avatar...

    maybe you should change your avatar...keep them off...cos they wont know who u are then..

  3. I have recently reported a five star @rse hole for being quite disgusting with his questions, comments and aggressive emails to answerers.  And you know what?  Nothing happened!   But I asked a question about Tom & Jerry ( almost kid like ) and I got a violation for 'adult content'.  Your best bet is simply ignore, ignore and ignore.  They cannot hurt you.

  4. if someone is nasty to you on here, then you can block them........but in all honesty, putting up with this goes with the territory........people are entitled to an opinion.     As i said befor, if they are offensive then simply block them.   You just have to harden up to this kind of thing....thats life im afraid.

  5. this Q&A isn't worth caring too much about, it doesn't matter what people say on here ... and that includes what I'm saying.

  6. Just ignore them and move on.

  7. Dont worry about it matey...At the start it used to really annoy me because the people who were nasty or rude are the ones who you cannot email to tell them what you think of them...I tend now just to ignore it and let them carry on with their sad and pathatic lives.  It works...

  8. You could report them.

    But the soft sad gits just open a new account, set their profile to private, and don't leave an e-mail address, so you cannot respond to their egotistical text based rants.

    And if you report them again, it starts all over again!

    Your best bet is to IGNORE them, and like a bad smell, they eventually go away.


  9. Apart from everyone else's good advice I'll just say that it might also be helpful to make your Q&As private for a while so that if you have attracted a troll they can't go back over all your previous posts.

  10. yes they are. You can also report them.

  11. only if they have another account. you have blocked the users account not the avatar. just ignore it they will get bored and stop in the end :)

  12. Harden up, princess!

  13. guess your answer is ignore them.

  14. If for example they call you Dummy, t**t , d**k head , Moron , or something like that just use an equally bad term back , you can easily edit and add to your own question or answer . If its really offensive then report and block them . My personal preference is to shame them by doing the former I suggest.

  15. I would just stop giving them attention, because that is why they are annoying you! I don't understand why people have to ruin everything!

  16. dont let them get to you. ignore them.

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