
If someone is play bad poker jsut say thank you, why do people get made if someone is palying bad?

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dont play only tournaments,

Play more cash games. in a cash game you want someone to call it you have kq and they have 23

One bad beat doenst ruin you night in a cash game cuz you can keep playing and if they keep playing with 23 you will take all of there money by the end of the night

If you only play tournament you will find more donkeys then in a cash game,

Whining doenst prove you are a better play taking there money proves you are better




  1. I never understood that either. Big deal if a bad player out draws you out once in a while. They usually just feed the pot hand after hand. I like to see them win sometimes because it keeps them interested and likely to feed even more pots. These people are easy to spot. Just remember it's near impossible to bluff them out so don't try. But when you have a strong hand you can make a killing off these people.

  2. Behind your mangled sentences, you've got a very good point.

    A famous poker player once said, "Don't tap on the aquarium. (It disturbs the fish.)"

    One of the stupidest things a poker player can do, is to give lessons at the table.  The other day I was playing ultra low stakes because I was watching TV, and I prefer to concentrate if I am playing higher.  So I was playing 10c/25c NL.  I made a questionable call and flopped an open ended straight draw.  I made my straight and suckered some guy into a relatively large pot.  After I dragged the pot he proceeded to berate me, and question my game play.  Now I remind you this was 10c/25c.  WTF?  I tell you right now, if you play 10c/25c you are not a pro, you are not a great player, you are either a beginner or otherwise not serious.  To give lessons at the table is laughable at these stakes.

    See if I were a total fish, then this guy should have been ecstatic about me making stupid loose calls.  Eventually his superior play would make me pay for that.  After all, don't you want to be at a table with a bunch of fish as opposed to Phil Ivey?  Of course you do.  In poker you make money from other people's mistakes.

    So yes, you should always just ignore bad play.  You don't want to scare off the fish by berating them for every little mistake.  After all, they are probably fish because they have not bothered to learn the game.  They probably like to relax and play some cards, and don't really care if they win or lose, it's just a bit of fun for them.  But if you keep berating them eventually it won't be fun any more, and maybe they stop playing.  Not good.

    As for tournaments versus ring games, it really depends on what you are in to.  A cash game you can sit back patiently and grind out some money a bit at a time.  Don't play too many hands, wait for a big hand and try and take a big pot.  Since the blinds don't increase periodically like a tournament you can afford to wait it out.  People online are generally too unobservant to notice you are playing tight and will often still give you action, even if you haven't played for 20 hands.

    But of course tournament play does give you a shot at winning some big money for a low investment, so that has a benefit too.  But in a freezeout tournament you are screwed if you take one bad beat, which is annoying.

  3. Because bad begats bad--you're only as good as your competition, and beating bad players all the time doesn't make you a good one--just makes you the least bad one--also know this--you only want bad players in a game when the money is on the line--but that is no guarantee because a bad player or many may draw out on you on pure luck

    I said it before--I'll say it again--the riva is a is with most bad players...I'm already dead...I'm just too stupid to fall over...

  4. I think you're confusing anger with frustration. It's extremely frustrating to get busted out of a tournament when you made a good play. In the long run I want bad players in the tournaments I play in just as much as ring games, but if I just spent a couple hours building up a bankroll in a tournament just to get busted out by some guy making a call for all his chips with an inside straight draw, I'm going to be extremely annoyed.

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