
If someone is sentenced to 10 years in a federal prison, do they serve their full sentence?

by Guest66621  |  earlier

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I know someone sentenced to 10 years in a federal prison. Can they get paroled after serving a percentage of their sentence? Can they reduce their time for "good behavior"? If anyone out there has a family member who has served time in a federal prison, I would greatly appreciate your help.




  1. There is no parole for federal crimes.  

  2. the answer is no and they have to serv there full time there is no good behaiver thing any more but they can get perold depending on what there crime was  

  3. Over 15  years ago, the Feds passed  a ""truth in sentencing" law.  No more 2 to 10 year sentence,  if you were sentenced to 10 years,you did ten years.   The only " early out" would be if your record was outstanding,  you might  get out in 9 yrs, 10 months.

    The sad things is, I guarantee than in 10 years., that "someone you know" will have been long forgotten.

    --per discussion with retired US Marshall..

  4. Some states have a law in which you have to serve a minimum amount of your sentence and then you can be set free after an evaluation.  I know that my uncle was sentenced 20 years for posession and distributing Cocaine and he served 12 years of the 20 year sentence.  he was placed in a half way house first for 1 year and then released to his home to be placed on house arrest for 1 year and then set completely free with the exception of being on probation and taking drug tests.  There is not really anything like parole anymore but there is a chance to get out early.  Some places do give you time off of your sentence for good behavior or being a model prisoner, this is how my uncle got out 8 year early.  

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