
If someone is suicidal and shows up at a hospital or police station, what will happen?

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I have heard that in most cases the person will be placed in a mental facility on a seventy-two hour hold, but then what happens to the person after that?




  1. Depends if they have insurance.  They will save your life, at least temporarily.  They will pump you full of meds until you claim you are no longer a danger to yourself.  They will watch your every move; take notes over whether you eat and attend group therapy sessions.  If you stay in bed and don't talk to anybody, they will keep you longer (if you have insurance).

  2. We are put in the psych ward. Depending on where you are or how bad it got, they keep you for different amounts of time at different hospitals. You are then released to live happier and healthier.

  3. If you try to commit suicide & end up in the hospital they can send you to a mental hospital for as long as the think nessary. If you check yourself into a mental hospital, you can leave whenever you want. I'm not sure about a police station, but I would not give up my rights. If you are suicidal please seek help, just make sure you check yourself in so you can leave if things aren't working out. I have ended up in a hospital after trying to commit suicide & got locked up in a mental hospital. 1st, what a surprise to wake up in a hospital & then I had more problems to deal with. That is not the way to go about it. I have checked myself into a mental hospital with the help of friends & family, a much better way to go about it. Let me tell you the thing with suicide is death is really not in our hands. I have tried several times & the only way I can explain it is God stopped it everytime. I know you must be really hurting, but suicide doesn't always work & may make things worse. I won't try to tell you that it is a "permant salution to a temparory problem", you already know that's not true. I'm sure you have been thinking & planning this for awhile. Please get help! Even being locked up is better than being dead. The police will get a county judge to decide if you are a threat to yourself & others. What they don't understand is that you would freely give your life to save another, but for some reason they think you may harm someone else. Again please get help. Maybe even a suicide hotline. Hey, I'll be praying for you, please wait on God to answer. If you are having trouble getting a job & afraid of what might happen if you don't, try praying & keep looking. Tell God your thoughts & he will help.

  4. Hopefully your cry for help is taken seriously and you are given the psychological treatment that you need in order to cope with whatever got you to that point in the first place.

    But, then again, that is in a perfect world that doesn't judge and helps those who need it!


  5. Hi.

    yes, they will take the person to the psychiatric ward.  i suggest trying to avoid the local community or state hospital - unless that is the only option.  they are usually filthy, a mix of everyone else who couldn't afford or arrange for a better situation (drug addicts, mentally handicapped, and other more seriously really tragic people), and they really won't do much except have a meeting or two depending on whether or not it's the weekend, maybe play some games, a movie, and the highlight of the day is picking out your next meal.  a doctor may have a chat for a few minutes just to have something to put in their file.

    well, after discussing how to pay the realllllly big bill (figure on several thousand dollars)... they hopefully will offer outpatient treatment options.

    i suggest finding a good hospital/mental health facility and expect to stay for a few weeks if that's in the insurance plan.

    basically, the 72 hours is just to make sure the person doesn't try to hurt themselves or anyone else.  as long as you don't seem to pose a threat they will simply rack up your bill until they decide you can leave.  if you get committed then you are at their mercy for an unspecified amount of time.  so, if you need real help please first look at all the options available before putting your life in the hands of the local community psych ward - you won't really get help there, just observed.

    try to find a clinic that can offer low-income (if that is necessary) options for mental help.  or call the health department and see what programs are available in the area.

    there are always crisis hotlines in the phone book, try the blue/government section, or just google it.  there are a ton of them out there, many open 24 hours with live people.

    if you have insurance find a good therapist or facility.

    if you mention you want to hurt yourself they will commit you for the mandatory 72 hours.  then, you get the big bill that makes you suicidal all over again, lol.

    dunno if you are just asking out of idle curiosity, but i hope that you or whoever can muddle through and get some real help and not just the 72 hour observation period in a place that needs a really good bleach cleaning.

    Best Wishes

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