
If someone is using my wifi...can I detect who they are or what sites they are visiting?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I do realize it's better just to secure my connection. As I'm sure plenty of folks will have this nugget of advice.




  1. Apart from their use of the service, by the time you have read this a local criminal could have sent thousands of child p**n or money scam emails from your connection, it takes about 30 seconds. These would trace back to your connection and the police will break down YOUR door (literally) and confiscate YOUR equipment until such time as a successful prosecution is completed. I personally know of 2 cases where this has happened. 1 has been waiting over a year for their equipment to be returned. The other risk with an open connection is that anyone with a wireless machine can watch all your traffic. This means any clear text user names, passwords, emails and sites visited (including banking addresses) become public. The only information you can get would be the MAC address of the machine, which has no useful purpose, it still does not get any information about the user or their location. your router log may show the sites visited if it has a logfile facility.

  2. Yes and no it really depends how good they are? If you need more details contact me?

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