
If someone jumps over my fence and goes into my backyard and steals my koi....?

by  |  earlier

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what charges could i pursue? i no who the person is




  1. If you shoot them, you HAVE to be sure you KILL them, then drag the body into the house. If you don't, the perp now becomes a victim and will sue you for everything you have or ever will have. If you kill him, the dragging the body into the house is because the family of the perp will try to sue you because the perp wasn't in the house threatening you.  

  2. You could sue them for the cost of your koi.  but you'd have to have proof - more than just "But I know he did it!"...

  3. I would take photos of this person doing this first, then call the police

    they could get him for trespass and theft

    how is it that he can catch your koi so quickly and then run with them?  is he a neighbor?

  4. Get a video cam and set it up to face your pond and catch the perp in the act.  Then call the police and turn him in---tresspassing and theft.  

  5. You need to see them do it or have a witness. Call the police and report them for trespass and theft.

  6. You need to have solid proof before accusing someone.

    Install a video cam somewhere on your property. Call your local police

    department and they will tell you exactly what you need to do.

  7. That depends on the laws of where you live.

    I have had some-one trespass and steel my patio furniture, lawn mower,and a whole bunch of other stuff.

    Where I live they (the mayor and Chief of Police) do not feel my neighborhood is a high crime area, there are no patrol cars in my area on the 2nd and 3rd. shifts, if a cop comes 5 months later you are luckey!

    The detective called me and informed me my best bet would be get a gun and "shoot to kill", they are trespassing, breaking and entering, stealing,etc, with out your permission, you have aright to protect yourself and to have a gun in the house and to use it if you feel you are in danger. Now Shooting some-one over Koi fish is another story but they are still stealing, trespassing and theft, shoot em and they will not be stealing your fish any more. Or put up a camera, but a gun is cheaper!

    Good luck-Koi are very expensive, maybe you can put a net over your pond.

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