
If someone kills a cop, how long can that person go to prison?

by Guest63584  |  earlier

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if it's for life, then under what circumstances can they sentence you to death?




  1. LIFE

    black,white green blue you will be there for LIFE

  2. If he doesn't get a needle in his arm, forever.

  3. Cop Killers go for for life.

  4. You can check into the death sentences of your state. States that have the death sentence will sentence the person to death.

  5. states give the most severe punishment allowed for killing LE officers, so death if its allowed, probably life without parole. i.e.-forever

  6. Depends on the state in which the cop is killed, I reckon.  

  7. Well it all depends.  If the murder was of a police officer on duty, then in most states it is automatically natural life in prison.  In the states that have the death penalty, there is that option.

    The problem with the death penalty is that it is very arbitrary.  You don't know if the murder you commit is going to result in the death penalty or not.  That uncertainty, doesn't make capital punishment a very good deterrent.  

    However, in order to get the death penalty certain things must happen.  First, the DA has to indicate he / she is seeking the death penalty.  Then the guy has to be convicted and then there has to be a penalty phase in which the jury then looks at the evidence and decides whether or not to recommend to the judge that the judge sentence this guy to death.  The judge then has the discretion to accept the juries recommendation, or sentence the guy to life in prison.  If the judge decides to sentence him to death, the case is automatically appealed to the state supreme court.

    The only way a jury can recommend death to the judge is if they find certain aggravating factors.  Usually, to recommend death the murder must be especially heinous.  What the heck is especially heinous?  

    That is where everything gets all cloudy.  Because what I find is heinous may be different from what you think is heinous.  To me, a car jacking and murder may be heinous, but to you, maybe its just a murder, and to juror number 3 it's cannabalism.  That is why I have a problem with the death penalty.  It shouldn't be so uncertain.

  8. A cop here in Ohio was shot about 3 weeks ago.  The kid that shot him is probably going to be put to death....and rightfully so!

  9. for eternity

  10. I'd say they would throw the book at em if they killed a cop.. don't matter what state it would be in I don't think.. if they had more of the death penalty they wouldn't need as near the prisions we've got now.. my thoughts only though

  11. It depends on the degree of the homicdal incident.

  12. Depending on the circumstances, the person can go to prison for life.

    Depending where the crime was committed, the death sentence could apply.

  13. life sentence or death

  14. life

  15. uh, for life.

    unless it's for a weird situation such as the cop attacks you for no reason and you use self defense. But I highly doubt that happens too often.

  16. Depends on the state and the means of killing.  If it's deemed manslaughter, the punishment will be less than something that is premeditated.  They could feasibly end up on death row if the crime is heinous enough

  17. They can go for life w/o parole or be sentenced to death.  

  18. For Capital Murder, punishment is either the death penalty or life in prison.


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