
If someone leaves a heavey equipment an doesnt come back for it how long before i can do something with it?

by  |  earlier

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A heavey equipment owner did work at my property an the machine broke an he has not been back for it in almost 6 years.




  1. Talk to the police or sheriff's department about what to do.  I believe you can claim the thing has been abandoned and file for title to it.  It shouldn't take too long given the length of time that's already passed.  At that point it is legally yours and you can do what you want with it.  

    If the owner does come back and claim it, charge him rent. You might be able to make it retroactive as well, but you can definitely claim rent from the time he reappears until the time he removes the equipment.  That will inspire him to get it out of there fast.  

  2. did he own it or was it one that he'd rented? if he owned it and its broke down, you can keep it if its been there that long.. the guy must have more money then he has

  3. You probably could have done something with it 5.5 years ago.

  4. Why am I thinking that the asker is going to do something with it and the next day get sued for it....

  5. Have a lawyer send him an official notice that the equipment is to be removed within xx days or it will be sold.  While you're at it, include a bill for 6 years storage (ask the lawyer how much is reasonable)

    Odds are it's worthless piece of scrap iron after all that time, but hey, even scrap iron is worth a good chunk these days.

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