
If someone maintains a strict vegetarian diet for 40+ years, and then eats a large quantity of red meat....?

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Beef, lamb or pork. What is likely to happen to them?




  1. He/she will have a revelation as to what has been missing in his/her life. But it will probably be too late in life to compensate for the physiological damage that a strict vegetarian diet can do.

  2. they will vomit, becuase thier body is not use to the food

  3. I've heard rumors that after a while, vegetarians are unable to digest meat as well as they used to. So I'd expect they'd be pooping out that carcass the same way it went in, more or less.

  4. They probably get indigestion and stomach pains from their body adapting to the sudden heaviness of blood, animal proteins, etc. Also parasites and microbes in the meat. They probably get constipated too because meat has no fiber. Eventually they adapt.

  5. um, karen?? Why didn't you answer the question??

    They would probably feel kind of bad.(bloated, gas, "the Bubbies")  When someone goes that long without digesting meat, it takes a while for the body to get used to it again.

    This isn't to say that they will never be able to enjoy meat as they probably will. That said however, there will be a time of adjustment.

  6. Just my personal story:

    I got really drunk in Cabo last year - I mean REALLY DRUNK - and apparently chowed down about half a dozen tacos at Sammy Hagar's place. (now keep in mind this is after several years of no meat, and many years of knowing what a hangover is supposed to feel like)

    I was sick for the rest of the trip - I am totally blaming the meat in the tacos.

    No, I didn't drink the water. Perhaps, in retrospect, it would have been a safer option.

  7. The person rrobably thinking...................WOW,  I should have went to meat years ago.      Seriously, am sure nothing will happen cept your taste buds will think they died and went to heaven.

  8. Well for starters, be careful eating even small quantities of food your body is not used to. So I would not go and eat large amounts to start off with. If you were to eat a lot, you could end up be totally fine, but it is likely that you would have a very upset stomach with possible diarrhea or constipation and vomiting.

  9. More importantly, what kind of drugs did the animal on the plate get?  Advertisements actually state that there are no hormones, but they still have to use antibiotics when mass producing meat.  If you go with a small, local family farm, you will know what the animal was given, both food and medication.  you will be able to find out if that animal was a trouble maker, or friendly.  Even who it's best buddy is/was.  I know because I know small farmers.  Many more people are looking for small farmers as poising becomes more common.  It's exactly what we expected from mass production.  Animals are living, and need to be treated as such.  They actually taste better if they are/were happy.

    As for quantity, even a large portion should not be more than 8 ounces.  If you eat much more than that of any one food, you'll get sick.  Even if it takes years, like diabetes.

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