
If someone offered you $500,000- to sail the Titanic in 2012 would you?

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The Titanic's 100th Anniversary.




  1. I would, I guess, are they making another Titanic? I mean at least this one wont sink and they will have all the safety percautions and drill planned out and they have equipment so it would be completely safe unlike in 1912 where they hit he iceburg, because now they would have known it was there miles before hand..

  2. Sure, why not.

  3. Definitely, as long as the ship was as classy and glamorous :)

  4. why not....except for the fact its sunken.........................

  5. Just so everyone knows, they are building a new "Titanic" and yes, I'd definatley take the $500,000 to sail on it, since I want to anyway.

  6. YES . I hope it leaves out of Boston/

  7. Yep, especially of Leo is on board!

  8. I'd go for sure...

  9. h**l yeh!!..myt be a bit difficult with it being 100ft (or however far down) into the sea =)...<3

  10. sure.... why not? Would you?

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