
If someone owed you $40 how would u get it back...?

by  |  earlier

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My ex owes me husband said I cant talk to him....So the story is, I bought him some shoes and took him shopping for his birthday, like 2 years ago. he owed me $40 because he came up I went back over to his house and his sister let me in, I took everything but one shoe...his mother called the cops on me but she didnt kno that his sister let me in....he told his mom that he didnt owe me but he told my mom he did and promised to pay it back...what should I do about my 40 bucks....




  1. its 40$ drop it.. i could understand if he took alot of ur posessions and more money

    its only 40$ so get ovr it

  2. take it using force.

  3. chalk it up you probaly won't get this back

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