
If someone owes me $20,000 what are the procedures for suing them?

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I loaned someone $20,000 with interest in December 2006. I have yet to receive my money. I did have them sign a contract, but still no money. I need to sue them but I don't know the proper procedures. Please advise.




  1. It's easy!

    first, wrote a simple demand letter stating that his/her loan and interest is passed over due. In your letter, narrate what transpired stating the how, when, where, what. Do not forget to write him that if he will not pay within 10 working days, that you will sue him in court.

    second, mail your demand letter with registered mail and return card so that you can present to the court that you inform him of your demand. This is a requirement.

    Then make an complaint affidavit. You can get information from your court the format, or the standard form, and fill it up.

    fourth, ask the court how many copies is required for the Complaint Affidavit.

    fifth, get information or legal advice from the court if you can do away with a lawyer, and just use the court prosecutor (Fiscal) as your council, to represent you in the court. This way, you get away with expensive legal services.

    sixth, better if you get a standard legal form ( C. D. rom) from your computer shop. But then these items are expensive.

    I am speaking through my experience in the Philippines. And yours may be different from our, but basically they are the same.

    You can save a lot this way.

    My internet address is if I can help you do away with lawyers.

  2. I think you will need a lawyer.  $20,000 plus interest is no small claims case.

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