
If someone puts an onion ring in your fries, does that mean that they like you?

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If someone puts an onion ring in your fries, does that mean that they like you?




  1. Most definitely

  2. No.  what kind kind of question is that??????


  4. HA HA!!! Love the post who said where there's an onion ring there's love... good stuff:)

  5. you must be pretty desperate to be reading into seafood

  6. to help you with your bad breath

  7. they want to marry u and have mr.onion babies and grow the onion patch kids

  8. totally

  9. they cant tell the difference between the two

  10. no, you just got lucky

  11. Haha.  I love when that happens.  I dont know if they like me, but I love them! :)

  12. They were probly scoffing a steak/onion burger over the deep fryer as your chips were cooking.  A piece of onion fell out of the burger, along with some spit, then it was scooped up and served to you.

  13. no, it means they screwed up

  14. shut up!

  15. yeh they like u very much they wanna get engaged to ya

  16. no, it means they messed up.

  17. No, it means when they put their grubby hands in the fry pile to put it on their plate they grabbed an onion ring by mistake.

  18. No, it means they accidentally put an onion ring in your fries. That's happened to me a lot. Why'd you waste 5 pts on this question???

  19. No, it means that they use the same oil to fry both.

  20. Yes.

    The fry cook at Mcdonalds saw you in the drive-thru and emmidiatly fell in love..

    She grabbed the nearest onion ring, held it close to her heart and packed it in your meal bag...

    You are a destined man.

    Enjoy that onion ring and remember...

    Where theres an unexpected onion ring; theres love.

  21. the person who did that definitely has a big crush on you!!!

  22. no it means your eating somewhere crappy

  23. it means they love you! wants to marry you!

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