
If someone refuses to sign the s*x offenders register, what happens?

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Ie Gary Glitter.




  1. Refusal is a criminal offence. He gets locked up.

  2. They can be tried for contempt of court if it is ordered by a court.

  3. It depends on where they have been convicted.

    Gary Glitter is refusing to sign because he was convicted abroad and is claiming his trial was unfair. He maintains he does not have to register in England because he was not convicted there.

    He now has to appear at court in England to appeal against registering the outcome of this hearing will decide what happens.

    If he had been convicted in England and refused to sign, the court could issue a warrant or return him into custody. This depends on how much a danger the offender is to other children.  

  4. Castrated i think

  5. If they do not register themselves, they probably have violated the laws requiring them to register and could be prosecuted.  It would depend on the law as enacted by the state they live in.  Here in Illinois:

    "Any person required to register who violates any of the provisions of the s*x Offender Registration Act is guilty of a Class 3 felony.  A second or subsequent violation of the Registration Act, is a Class 2 felony.  Mandatory minimum fine of $500 is incurred for failure to comply with the Act:

    In addition to any other penalty required by law, the offender shall be required to serve a minimum period of seven days confinement in a local county jail.  A sentence of supervision shall not be imposed.

    In addition to the mandatory confinement, a s*x offender shall pay a mandatory minimum fine of $500.  

    Failure to comply with the s*x Offender Registration Act will result in a 10-year extension of the registration period.  The 10-year extension starts when the s*x offender registers after the violation.

    If a s*x offender or sexual predator is convicted for a violation of the Act after July 1, 2005, he or she will be required to register every 90 days for the remainder of their registration period."

  6. I imagine that it is the equivalent of parole conditions.  Effectively, they have only been released on the basis that they keep to particular rules and breaking those rules would result in returning to prison.

  7. It's like the school register. They just mark them "absent".

  8. As the Caicos Turkey says, it is an order of the Court that requires him to do so. If he ignores that order, he'll be in contempt and will be hauled front of a judge who will very likely put him inside.  With a bit of luck they won't put him in solitary for protection . . .  

  9. Failure to comply with the registers' requirements, i.e. providing name, address, tel. etc is punishable by up to five years imprisonment.

  10. Its a violation of the law and they go to jail.  It would also be a violation of their probation if they were released early and they would have to serve the remainder of their previous sentence as well as additional time for failing to register.  Its a pretty severe crime and can add on a hefty sentence.  

  11. As he has been ordered to do so by the court, the next stage could be proceedings under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 for contempt in the face of the court.

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