
If someone remembers a very small detail about you from 20 years ago, do think they are weird or a stalker?

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Thanks guys! I'm the one with the vivid memory and I have recently reconnected with old friends from high school. Almost 20 years ago. I remember small things very clearly and I'm wondering if I freak people out and I was considering keeping my mouth shut.




  1. no...that must've been a very vivid moment for that person.

  2. Possibly but some people remember the tiny details and forget the big things.

  3. I certainly hope not as I have the memory of a dozen elephants and can recall small details about people (friends) and their families from 50 years ago.  I made an effort to do this as a teenager when, after reading Dale Carnegie's book, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People',  I realized remembering things about people is important as it makes them feel you value them..  One woman has been my friend since we were 14 (57 years ago) and is, still, pleased that I remember the name of her cocker spaniel (who died when she was 17).  Remembering small details makes people feel (or should) that these little details in their memory are, also, important to you because you care about what they care about and, in some cases, because you love them.

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