
If someone said it was wrong to murder people, would you accuse him/her of being judgmental?

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and say that he/she should just let the murderers be because it's their own decision? and that murderers are just as moral as people who are not murderers?




  1. No, I wouldn't accuse that person of being judgmental because I agree that murdering people is wrong. If I were a murderer, I would accuse the person of being too judgmental and most likely defend murder as a personal choice. No one wants to think of oneself as being a bad and immoral person. Slave owners certainly viewed themselves as good and moral people, and they strongly resented any implications to the contrary.

    From a moral standpoint, actions that harm others aren't matters of personal choice. For instance, murder and child abuse are immoral acts and not a matters of choice. Problems arise when people disagree about whether a particular act is morally acceptable or unacceptable. (Abortion is a good example... some think it's a harmful / immoral action, while others view it as a personal choice.)

    Our society currently encourages meat-eating and factory farming. I think it's important to recognize that at one time, society also encouraged slavery, child labor, and many other practices that are now universally recognized as wrong.

  2. Don't fool yourself, Jimmy! If a cow got the chance, he'd eat you, and everyone you care about.

  3. I have rabbits and they feal and are happy and sad like everything else that lives. I have a bird and she is happy and get frightened at storms. All animals have feelings the issue here is that it is legal to kill animals and eat them - thats it and its not legal to kill humans so this argument is a bit silly. Human beings for the most aprt have always had meat with their meals but vegetarian food is becoming far more fashionalbe.

  4. Only if I were a vegetarian liberal who was confronting a conservative who claimed that abortion is murder and should be outlawed.

  5. i think people who eat meat are murdering animals. animals are just as important as people. it should be against the law. animals suffer everyday because stupid people feel the need to eat them. what makes us better then animals? nothing, thats what. they have a right to live too.if people even realized how badly animals are treated every day in slaughter houses, they would realize that murdering someone is just about equal to murdering these animals. they feel pain just like us.

  6. I really don't get why you would ask this in the vegetarian & vegan section.  I don't see how this has anything to do with us.

  7. Well this is very much like the peppermint or wintergreen debate ... a long drawn out difference of opinion....

  8. Murder is defined as murdering people, not animals.  It is not illegal to slaughter and eat animals.  Yes you are judgmental and you are confused and stupid.

    There is a big difference between killing people and raising animals and using them for food.  How old are you?  Grow up and get a grip on reality.

  9. No, would you?

  10. I hate this argument. You're seriously comparing someone who murders people for the heck of it, to people who eat meat? Meat is part of a healthy diet. No where does it say it's unethical to eat meat. Eating meat is not against the law. People who "murder" animals do it to eat, unlike people who murder other people. Yes, animals may not be treated fairly in the process, but that's not my fault just because I eat meat. I am a moral person whether I eat meat or not. This argument makes you judgemental, not the fact that you don't eat meat.

  11. I am a judgmental person and I am proud of it. When people are doing immoral things I make the judgment in my head that I don't like what they are doing and steer clear. I have certain beliefs and I don't push them off on other people. People that rant and rave about their beliefs are not secure about them so they try to get other people to agree with them. They use some idiotic argument to try to prove  their point. They must be unhappy with their lives and have nothing better to do.

  12. It's a weird way to get your message across but I see where you're coming from.

    One of the biggest problems facing positive change is the attitude that animals are inferior to humans therefore they have no rights. The thought of comparing killing an animal to killing a human is ridiculous to many. The only significant thing that makes it different is the mentality that the killer has in the act. When one kills an animal they don't think they're committing a crime and robbing a being of its life.

    Regardless of what people's opinions are it can't be argued against that supporting the killing of animals is inherently selfish. We don't need to eat meat, we choose to because it easy.

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