
If someone said right to ur face that the beatles are the worst band ever what would u do?

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bonus qustions: what if Miley Cyrus said it to ur face? then what would do? sorry fans




  1. Nothing.

    I dont like the beatles

  2. I'd have to hurt them.

    Here's what i think:

    If you don't like The Beatles' music, fine. Everyone is entitled to like something different. But at least respect them for everything they gave to the musical world. They ARE the most influential band EVER. You can't deny that!  

  3. I would not do anything, just walk away.  I don't think that Miley would say this.    

  4. That's their opinion. I would think that they are retarded for saying that, but their opinion. All I know is, I would listen to them until I can forget them.

    I don't like s****s.

  5. Laugh at their stupidity.

  6. I would say you obviously have never listened to them.

    And I would give Miley a round house kick to the face.

  7. Sympathize at the fact that they have such horrid taste in music.

  8. I'm not much of a Beatles fan myself, so I would just brush off their comment.

  9. id punch them and start singing i am the walrus in their face

  10. well, that person i must be deaf. There are many bands out there who suck... SO MANY. They are a ledgend so back off. As for Miley I would prolly laugh because she is joking.

  11. Say that they are stupid -no offence!

  12. A: Respectfully disagree

    B: Laugh

  13. nothing, you can't argue with ignorance.


  14. I wouldn't care.  I personally don't like the Beatles, more over Paul.  They're musicians not my family, so to say you think they're the worst isn't enough to get me mad.  Why should I jump up and defend a musician or their work?

    The ego they had "we're bigger than god".  They went from being good to blending in with everyone else.  Then Yoko got involved.  They were a fad, just like every other Popular music style.

    And you get the pathetic, "i'd punch them in the face and sing I am the walrus."  That song alone makes my point.  To quote the Doors, "people are strange.."

    The beatles didn't make history.  Rock and even british pop came from a combination of the Blues, Classical, and Country.  Educate yourselves a little there people.  The Beatles were just different enough to make it big just like Miley and the bubblegum artists today.

  15. hahaha

    its her opinion, were all entitled to a thought i would be like whatever

    edit:yea give me power with thumbs down

  16. i would tell him to shut the **** up cuz he knows nothing of music.

    beatles have written history and not randomly.

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