
If someone said this, why do they do this during the week?

by Guest33836  |  earlier

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if someone told you they check their personal emails only on the weekends, then a week after they go back and u send them an email and they reply you during the week, will that bea good sign or a bad sign?




  1. I shudder to think of the misfits that seem to be allowed into college nowadays.Has no one,in your entire life explained to you the meaning of categories?I would not dream of asking a question about music,in the "Photography and camera"category or ask a question about the military in "Dressmaking" or "Family and Relations.Just What is it about the subject of Royalty,that so many,seemingly intelligent,people find so difficult to understand?

  2. A good sign

  3. They probably were board

  4. Neither-do they really only answer e-mails on weekends or do they just say they do?

    Sorry to be a grouch but I am having a hard time believing your name "Full time college student." Surely, a person who attends college would know that her/his question has nothing to do with ROYALTY,that is the monarchy,past and present,and would not post it here?Surely a person who was accepted into college would know how to categorize topics properly? Too many people are misposting their questions here and it's come to the attention of the regulars who have even posted a question asking why people don't take the time to post correctly?

  5. I would most definitely take it as a good sign.  They had some spare time and found you important enough to reply to.  There may have been other EMs that they didn't find important enough to reply to but you were up there on the top so they replied to you.  It's a good sign!!  Out with the negative and in with the positive.

    Peace & Love :)

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