
If someone says they are no longer of the earth because of their strong religious beliefs what is the response?

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I'm curious and a Christian but if someone says they are waiting to die and get to heaven and wake everyday waiting for the end of the earth is that okay. Also if they say they "are no longer of the earth, and we're all heathens" what's the sin there. Addititonally what about fascination with death because they say that the people who die are going to a better place, so they seek out news about babies and premature death in the news, what does the bible say about that kind of practice.




  1. what if they die and dont go to heaven ?

    If by christian you believe jesus to be son of god,then there is nothing that angers god other than that.Jesus himself never said he is god or son of god but son of man(a purely human being),he only referred to the father as a father figure who cares after us and whom we should obey:

    Mary 19:45-Quran:

    "God forbid that He Himself should beget a son ! When He decrees a thing He need only say :'BE,' and it is.

    Yet are the sects at odds among themselves.But when the fearful day arrives,woe betide the unbelievers! Their hearing and their sight will be sharpened on the day they appear before Us.Truly,the wrongdoers are today in evident error.

    Forewarn them of that woeful day,when Our decree shall be fulfilled while they heedlessly persist in unbelief.We ourself shall inherit the earth and all who dwell upon it.To Us they shall return"

    Mary 19:98-Quran:

    "Those who say:"The lord of mercy has begotten a son,preach a monstrous falsehood,at which the very heavens might crack,the earth split asunder,and the mountains crumble to dust.That they should ascribe a son to the Merciful,when it does not become the Lord of Mercy to beget one !"

    Biblical proof of jesus humanity

  2. Tell them they've got their head in the clouds and encourage them to come back down to earth.

  3. Bible is too long. And who cares what a book says? Reading it is wasting your life!

  4. Well they aren't using Gods love very well. He expects us to shine for Him here so more will come to Him. And the saying I believe you are looking for is "In the world but not of the world". To me that says I belong to God now not this corrupted world but I am still supposed to let God work through me so other people will want to know Him too. They seem to have an unhealthy belief about death, might even say an obsession.

  5. I am a Christian as well. This behavior seems to me, not a healthy one.

    Life gets shorter & shorter as we age ( I know, I am old. ) No time for such things as "pre mature death" vs. newborns. I mourn one & celebrate the other.

  6. They're still here.  They still need to eat, need to use the toilet, need to sleep, get sick, get old, die.  And they ALL sin and lie about it.

  7. Death is not a better place, it is the absence of self until the resurrection. We are put here to live, and live abundantly - to experience and try to make earthly existence more heavenly, not just treat it like a giant waiting room for heaven.

    Also, the saintliest man who is so righteous and holy that his eyes are always turned heavenward... tends to stub his toe on clods of solid earth.

    We are here to deal with reality, make it better, not ignore it.

  8. try reading it the way it should be read and you'll find out

  9. I guess if someone told me they were "no longer of the earth," I'd have to ask if they still eat, sleep, pee, and shlt. If the answer is yes, then they are still of this earth whether they like it or not.

  10. Christians should not live to die.  We live to be with God.  It isn't that we welcome death, we just not fear it or what comes afterward.  We look forward to being w/ God in heaven.

    To say that we are "in this world, but not of it" means that we no longer see, believe, or live as the world/non-Christians do.  The Bible isn't referring to the world in that case as being Earth, but of the sinning nature from which we had been in and where many people still operate it.

  11. The "sin" per se would be wasting their life.  Actually there is no such thing as sin, but geez what a waste.

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