
If someone says they love you but........?

by  |  earlier

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they are possessive of you, don't give their best to support you and accuses you of having other relationships, what is that?

I sure hate to see them become my enemy! This is a toxic relationship and I don't know how to get out!




  1. That's not really love, sounds like the person is really jealous and possessive. When you really love someone, you truly want the best for them, you don't just say you love them to get action, you know?

    And fear of the repercussions of breaking up should never be the reason for staying in a relationship, sounds like you know you need to get out, just do it!

  2. The person probably feels they do love you, but the problem is that they are apparently full of fear.  That person may have been hurt in his/her past, or may have a parent who had an affair.  You should definitely have a conversation and get to the bottom of what is causing the controlling behavior.  If necessary, try counseling.  No, this does not always lead to abuse.  That's an unnecessary assumption.  There are many control freaks in the world who are just scared, not violent.

  3. This sounds like extreme jealousy and it can be a sickness. You need to have a serious look at this relationship and withdraw now. Can you imagine going through years of this ? Its far easier to get out now

  4. I would have to know what they are doing and why this is not enough details there is always two sides to a story.

  5. It's fears and insecurity. This man has unresolved & unhealed emotional issues.

    If you don't want to handle this, get out as early as possilble.  Just get out.  Tell him you can't handle it.  If you love him, tell him that too & leave.  It may jolt thim to get some help.

    Without enough back ground information, it is impossible to comment any further.

    If you don't love him anyway, then definitely leave him a.s.a.p before adding to his emotional insecurity stories.

    Good Luck

  6. My first marriage started out with possessiveness and I thought it would get better and I grew accustom to his demands...and he seemed to be a great hubby for the first two years; however, it later became to where I wasn't allowed to be with family and progressively got worse so much so that I soon found myself in the hospital at nine months pregnant with our second child...yes, he put me in the hospital...I know the future seems grim and you maybe scared but turn to family and those you trust to help you get out before it gets isn't about waking up to his every demand its about compromise and love... and sometimes love just isn't enough...cause you can love someone but you can't live with them....

  7. You can't let him control you like that. You need to find someone who will respect your relationship. Get out while you can. Go to a friend or family member for help.

  8. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    What you are describing is not love and it will escalate to physical violence.  I know from experience with my ex-husband.  He is insecure in himself and you cant change that. Turn to your friends and family and get out of this relationship now.    

  9. Get out, it will probably become physically abusive.

  10. GET OUT!!!

    Why the f**k do you care if they don't like you?

    A jealous person can turn dangerous!

    Get away from that person NOW!!!

  11. Listen to what you said about him.  1. He is possessive of you, 2. don't give their best to support, 3.  accuses you of having other relationships.  Sounds like a physical and mental abuse in the making. If you stay with him long enough for him to have deeper feelings for you and then you leave, he will stalk you and hurt you and your family or any future relationships.  Treat him like he treats you.  Start accusing him of having other relationships, call him every five minutes as to where he is or going, tell him he needs to call you whenever he decides to go somewhere.  Make him buy you things, when you eat out, eat like a pig, don't dress up for him.  Be sloppy, show up at his job when he's least expects it.  Show up at his place when he least expects it, make him hate you.  Become such a nuisance so he can break up with you.  Some men love the chase, if you show no interest and want to get out it will drive him crazy.  Get crazy on him and he will dump you.  Your safe that way.  Reverse psychology.

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