
If someone sells me a dog and it bites someone, can they be held liable?

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I bought a dog 2 days ago and he bit my neighbor. Am I liable or the person who sold him to me *said he didnt act agressivly*




  1. You are liable because you are the owner of the dog.

  2. You are responsible for compensating your neighbor but you can sue whoever sold you the dogs if you can prove that they knew of aggressive tendencies without telling you.


    The laws may vary in your state.  However, I know as a general rule (from rescue experience) that if there's any potential that the dog is aggressive or has bitten in the past, the previous owner (or rescuer) must inform the adopter.  For liability purposes, this is usually done in the form of a legal contract.  

    You need to take the circumstances into consideration and really evaluate whether it was negligence on your part that resulted in the bite or if it was totally unforeseeable.  Try to settle things with your neighbor, in a civil manner, outside of court.  Offer to pay whatever medical expenses came out of your neighbor's pocket and make d**n sure it doesn't happen again.  As far as holding the previous owner accountable, take some time to think about whether you really need to do this.  In this lawsuit happy country, the fewer civil suits there are, the better off we all are.

  3. not at all sry it is true but no they cant

  4. You are liable because you are the owner of the dog.  

  5. No, the dog was protecting you from a stranger!  What do you want a dog for if it wont protect you.  Give it a break, its in a new envrionment and dosnt understand whats going on.  What kind of a person is your neighbour to complain about  your dog?

  6. Your the dogs legal owner.  You are liable.

  7. You were the owner when the dog bit someone. It is your responsibility. The person who sold you the dog has no liability,once the dog left their care.

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