
If someone stares at you (on the train, bus, etc)?

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my friends usually say "they are just looking at you because you look good" but when you see someone that looks strange, do you stare? i mean, staring after i have looked at them, does this mean i look really good or does it mean i look really bad?




  1. Try not to worry yourself about it and avoid eye contact with strangers! A friend of mine kept being followed home by strange men and all of us were puzzled as to why this was happening, then my husband told us he noticed that she kept making eye-contact with strangers... She did this accidentally, but she lived alone at that time so it was quite creepy to be followed around... So be careful...

  2. They could be looking near you and not directly at you or they may think you are good looking. But usually on the train or bus there isn't much to do so often people are caught looking around or staring. Sometimes I don't realise I am staring as I am kinda daydreaming.  :)

  3. I've never really been certain that someone was staring at me because I figure I must be staring at them to even notice that they might be staring at me, so it sorta makes me just as guilty of staring as the other person........Actually, when I see someone staring at me it's usually someone I knew a long, long, time ago and they're trying to figure out if they know me. I even had an old man approach me in the grocery store one day because he thought he knew me. It turned out he knew my mother when she was a teenager and I looked so much like her it freaked him out. So, you never know why someone might be studying you, but it's usually harmless.

  4. maybe they are just day dreaming

  5. There are many reasons as to why people stare back, and its not really the reason for you staring at them. That could be a partial reason.

    What I mean is that when you stare at them, and they stare at you back, they're probably moving their eyes towards you but aren't really focusing on you. Rather, they're dreaming about something when they're wide awake but their eyes are centred towards you. That's more of a dreaming than staring.

    Hope that answers.

  6. Just smile back and acknowledge them.  No need to stare.

  7. it means they are interested in you ah.

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