
If someone starts a fight with you, what should you do?

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If someone starts a physical fight with you what do you think the best course of action is? Hit them back, run away, block their punches but don't hit back, or something else- what's your opinion?




  1. if there was no law id probably do what joe pesci does in casino lol  and my assailants or enemies would be shht outta luck it would be a dark day for them indeed-

    but since laws exist and i dont want to get into trouble with the law, i would do my damndest to walk away or avoid a physical fight and if they attacked me id run off, or try to alert others, not because im frightened but because i dont want any involvement with the law.

  2. I'd try to get out of it, it really lowers your rep when you fight plus, i'm trained i don't want to hurt them. If they hit me i'd block and resort to a huge slam to the locker. Then I'd repeat my offer "I do not want to fight" and if they keep on going i'd knee them and then do a take-down position untill the teacher comes :)

  3. It's better though, to pay attention to what lead to the fight in the first place. To prevent the  fight in the first place.

    Here's a book for you:

    "Bullies to Buddies: How to Turn Your Enemies Into Friends" by Izzy Kalman

  4. Act like your about to fight,like have your fight face on.Then stop and say "Your not even worth it"in front of everybody so everybody can hear it.Then walk away.

  5. I hate seeing people fight and try to break it up if I see one, but if someone tried to hit me (which has never happened before)....I'd knock 'em out cuz no one is laying a hand on me

  6. the way i look at it, no matter what circumstances you or the other person are in, if they hit you first, you have the right to defend/protect yourself. no matter if the fight is over something stupid or serious. if i can help it, i wont get to the part where there will be fighting, but, if push comes to shove, i'll stand my ground and hurt somebody. if i get hurt during the fight, at least i know i tried. but, i don't think that will happen :)

    i would rather go down with the fight than without a fight. so, my answer, is do what you have to do.

  7. It depends on what you're fighting for. You should always try to avoid physical violence if possible, especially if the fight is over something stupid. But as soon as the person makes a move, or they make it obvious that the situation can't be ended peacefully, you fight back. In a serious situation the person who makes the 1st hit is usually the one who wins.

    You can't only block without hitting back, if you did, they'd only keep hitting until they got tired, or someone broke the fight up. You can't block or duck every punch or kick.


  8. Destroy them utterly & ruthlessly.

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