
If someone tells u they r being abused it is important that u know wot 2do.list 2 things u must not do or say?

by  |  earlier

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help im don my ldq course




  1. you must not:

    offer suggestions, such as "your dad touched you, didn't he"

    interrupt when the person is talking..........they might not continue the conversation.

    hurry the person.  Let them take time to speak.

  2. must not say y u doing what u are and must not say stop doing what u are but the best thing is the phone ur big bro part and all probz get salted how thay should old school fist and dont put up with it  if u aint got a big bro call me 07510748247 because i hate ppl men winds me up promis ill salt it for ya but god bless cuz u need it

  3. You must not force that person to take any action that hey dont want to take, or tell anyone else about it without their permission.

  4. i dont know 2, but i DO know that you MUST NOT promise not to tell anyone, as if you are working in a professional capacity, you have a duty to report it.

  5. If you know that someone is being abused it is a responsibility to report it.  You can do it anonymously no one has to know who did it.  If you can't do anything right away speak to someone you can trust for advice.

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