
If someone walked in on you when you are just stepping out of the shower, what would be their first thought?

by  |  earlier

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Wendy G, is that what happens when men see you? ;-)




  1. Dang this woman is HOT!!!  Yes I am hot, I know

  2. "Maybe we should have Kielbasa for dinner."

  3. "I never realised Doodlebugjim was so well hung"   ; )


    Their next thought would be "Oh my god! So that's what happened to my vacuum cleaner extension!!!"

  4. Nice six pack!

  5. Well, we know that yours would be to claim "shrinkage."

    EDIT-Perhaps, Ronnie, which must mean that YOU'VE looked at me a lot....a whole lot.

  6. It depends if I was home alone and it was an intruder they would first wonder what kind of women has weapons in her shower... Answer the kind that has them everywhere.  If it were my husband he would think... well you know!  Other then that no one would walk in on me in the shower.

  7. They'd try to figure out how a fun little beagle could manage to turn the water on all by himself.

  8. Dam he is hung

  9. "Oh, great, now I'm dead . . . STOP STARING AT HER DAMMIT!"

  10. Well who exactly is walking in on me?

    My husband? My sister or brothers? A burglar?

    Each person would have a different thought towards me as I would have a different thought towards them.


    Well if it was a stranger of the opposite s*x who was randomly in my home I'm sure their first thought would be something along the lines of what they would to me.

    lol However on the off chance the person held no ill-intent they'd probably think "hmmm did I make her all wet?"

  11. There first thought would be something like "YEAH! That's right!"

    Or "WOW"

  12. All these people are answering like the person most likely to do this isn't a family member.

    ya sickos

  13. Her butt is tiny!  It is.

  14. that depends on them and u, things that it depends on.

    is it some1 of the oposite s*x or some one of the same s*x but is homosexual? how old is the person? what is your reaction when they come into the room(do you jump behind a towel like lightning or what)? do u have a really s**y body :P? what kind of a mood is the person in.

    thers too many variables

  15. And you want me to keep that PG 13?  C'mon Ronnie.  

  16. "Hey, you look like you need a towel!"

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