
If someone walked up to you and said?

by  |  earlier

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I hate you. Your ugly and stupid.

What would you do or say back?




  1. i would say nothing i would smack him across the face

  2. i wouldnt care. id just shrug my shoulders and say God made me this way and i like the way i am

  3. o h**l no u going down

  4. Excuse me!  Are you suffering from halitosis of the intellect? That's presuming you have intellect!  Your remarks are about as welcome as a f**t in a telephone box!!!.

  5. First I would say Excuse me? Then if they said it again, I would say, I see we have a lot in common. or "I know you are but what am I?" Jk Jk ;)


    (O.o )

    (> < )

  6. I'd ask if I knew them them first.  

  7. I would say it isn't nice to talk about your self like that. =D


    (O.o )

    (> < )  



    (>< )    

  8. Stop looking in the mirror  

  9. Hey!!! I see we have something in common. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Seriously, I wouldn't care unless they got in my face or touched me in an offensive way.

  10. thanks

  11. it takes one to know one

  12. "Why do you talk to yourself? It's kinda creepy."

    Lol :D

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