
If someone wanted to know about China's royal family, descendants of Emperor Huang Di, is there anyone ... ?

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Question: If someone wanted to know about China's royal family, descendants of Emperor Huang Di, is there anyone here (at Yahoo! Answers, Society & Culture > Royalty) with enough knowledge about China's Imperial system and history or research skills that would be willing to help?

Would any of you volunteer?

I think that this is a very good question and an exploratory one. This question is for people from Level 1 to 7. And I am wondering if people in Society & Culture > Royalty are versed in China's royal family or perhaps have enough research skills to look up answers for people.






  1. My mother's family claims descent from Huang Di but it is generally accepted that he is a mythical figure.

  2. I would ask you Max, cheers.

  3. i would help what info do you need

    Xuān Yuán (pronounced Shoo-an Yoo-an also with vowel inflections whose explanations will not be discussed here) is better known by his appellation Huáng Dì, meaning “Yellow Emperor.” He was another of Taoism’s most important founders. After becoming emperor he left his throne for the Bo Wang mountains to devote himself entirely to the cultivation of Taoism. After about three years he came to a complete understanding of the Tao and returned to rule the country using Taoist management principles. In four years he turned the mess that preceded his rule into paradise on earth. To this day, more than 5,000 years later, he is still remembered as the first successful leader with complete integrity. Many still abide by the calendar prescribed by him; the year 2000 A.D. is Yellow Emperor year 4999.

    Besides being the inventor of Taoism’s many healing methods, he is also the author of Yin Fŭ Jīng (or Yin Fu Ching), only 338 words long with every word utilized to the full breadth of its meaning. Every word bears profound wisdom pertaining to ecology, political science, and military strategy for the benefit of all mankind. His book is the classic of high-level management. A thorough explanation by Dr. Chang entitled Yellow Emperor’s Yin Fŭ Jīng

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