
If someone wanted to try to do one of these water fuel cars, what would be the best way to go about it?

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i have a car i want to try this on, a project to tinker around on you know. but how do you keep the water from freezing in winter months?




  1. First, go take an intro course in physics or chemistry.  Then you will know the "water fuel car" is a scam.  

    It's been around for 50 years, BTW.  It's amazing that some people are still so ignorant of even basic science they are taken in.

  2. hi,

    first you have to build a fuel cell generator, when the fuel cell separated the oxygen and the hydrogen, you would have to separate those 2 so they don't go together inside the engine, otherwise they will create moisture and the engine will die( that is the big problem with a lot of people that is trying to make fuel cells). then just let the pure hydrogen through the air intake hose.

    That is is not a scam, there are toy cars powered by hydrogen, and GM just came out with a fuel cell powered car, I saw it in the news.

    I think the best documents on the net are from Stan Meyer.

    Do not try it with your car, get another engine to test it with, try a lawnmower first.

    You power the fuel cell with the alternator or a 12 volt battery when testing on the lawnmower.

    Don't try on your car if it has a fuel injection system, because the computer will see that there is not enough gas going into the engine, and you will have problems.

    There is a lot more. I hope this helps.

  3. ALL water fuel systems depend on gasoline to some extent. So the water will heat up with the engine block. Try a Websearch of the Joe Cell. It's public domain and uses orgone energy, so it's not a violation of thermodynamics. has a version of it on their site.

  4. If you can't move to The South you MUST have a heated garage area. Don't leave the vehicle outside  (unheated) for more than an hour. Install heavy-duty insulation in the water storage tank area. The specific technical details about your design and parts compostion determine whether you can use an additive like you would do in a radiator. good luck with it.

  5. Here's better idea... Build a hydrogen separator that powers itself via hydrogen fueled generator!

    OK this is simple. It takes more energy to extract hydrogen from water than it can produce.

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