
If someone was blind from they dream?

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Do blind people dream cos if they dont know what things look like then how can they re-live them in there sleep?




  1. Evey,

    Jim is right. I didnt want a job so I pretend to be blind to claim benefits. I have passed this off now for 9 years now. I have normal dreams. I dont think you know what your talking about

  2. Maybe their dreams don't involve what they CANT see, they dream what they think.

  3. I don't think you will get many answers on this one (a blind person cannot be on the computer reading your question) but I do feel that the first person's response is on the mark. You can only dream through the senses that you use.

  4. Wow.  This is a very interesting question!  It is something I cannot answer, but would like to know for myself.  I guess the only way you could really know is if you asked a blind person himself.  

  5. i would think all people, blind or otherwise, due to brain function

    would dream. i would think even if someone was blind from birth,

    they would still dream.

  6. If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams.

    They experience a very high percentage of taste, smell, and touch sensations in their dreams.

    I have a friend who is blind and she said that in her dreams she doesn't see anything, but just senses that they are there. She says in her dreams she is more aware than she is in real life but can't see anything. After all, everyone both blind and sighted, dream about things they know and have experienced. We just jumble it up when we dream.

  7. that is such a good question... i do not know the answer to that though unless i was blind, heh. I believe that they hear sounds and voices when they sleep, but I do not know if they have their own visual of the earth and reality or if they don't. Must be weird...

    Do you think deaf people at birth have a talking conscience in their head, even though they have never heard a voice?


  8. Evey, your so shallow....

    i am blind, and i dont appreciate my disability being described as "a good question"

    it may be ok for you to sit on yahoo all day mocking people but at least you can see what your typing..

    I have spent the best part of 4 years training a duck to type this for me....

    i do have dreams just like every1 else, and do you know why??

    because all blind people arnt actually blind, we are just very good liers and actors who walke into things and do stupid things so shallow people like you have something to talk about you on a monday afternoon...

    got news for you too, deaf people arnt deaf either....

    Yours sincerly

    Mr Steven Wonder

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