
If someone went to college and got a BA in social science then what do they know about........???

by  |  earlier

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body language Do they know anything? Does it teach about the four temperaments: melancholy, phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric.....




  1. The degree program could have included Kiersey's Temperament sorter, which is the four temperaments (actually personalities) that you mentioned. If the program includes a course in Human development, chances are that this will be included in the degree.  (It was covered in my course)

    But social sciences covers many other topics also, like history, economics, psych, sociology, Human Services and other courses that are considered a "soft science".  

    So overall, my answer is that it could depending on how you want your degree plan to look, but probably not likely to be in it unless there is a course in Human Development.

  2. First question. They will know whatever they have been told.

    Second question "Do they know anything?". I'm sure they know something but I'm not sure what it is they know.

  3. they are able to come up with researches able to explain certain phenomenon and behaviors. and this is one great advantage especially in the corporate world where PEOPLE are the basic resource. ^_^

  4. Try to understand more and more of abcd of BA .

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