
If someone were to create a group, especially for Moms with absent or MIA parent,be interested in joining?

by  |  earlier

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If someone were to create a group, especially for Moms with an absent or MIA parent to their children, would you be interested in joining? Created for discussion of various topics from helping your children adjust to the separation in their lives, address and tackle the legal issues, moral support from other members who have had the same or similar personal experience, locating the father, DNA testing to determine paternity, what to expect of the formal process in various legal court matters, raising children from infancy to adulthood within a two-parent or one-parent family that has been divided, and more. There would be links to various sites addressing many issues specifically. If, in fact, you are interested, either in supporting information or need help personally, morally or with legal advice, just answer this specific yahoo answers question or submit email of asking to join to AbsentParentMoms-subscribe@yahoogroups.c... or if you have any questions that the answers would decide your joining or not joining, submit you queries to




  1. i would love to talk to others going through my same situation

  2. I'm interested.........

    Single mom here - I have a 9.5 month old son, his father hasn't seen him in over 3 months and we've already been to court once, he's still not paying support so we are going to court AGAIN next month.  UGH.

  3. yeah, i'd definitely be interested.  especially the legal stuff.  i think i'm gonna have to take my ex to court.  scary.

    EDIT -

    yeah i'd help out.  i mean, i dunno how much i can do, and i don't know a WHOLE lot, but people come to me for advice a lot.  i dunno.

  4. That would be a great group/discussion topic...emailing now

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