
If someone were to look for Nibiru...what direction would you turn to?

by  |  earlier

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What direction, in degrees of right ascension and declination in the sky is it supposed to be?

If you are skeptical, don't waste your time answering because you obviously have nothing to offer towards the answer I'm looking for.





  1. you won't be able to see it in the night sky until 2011. Unless you are in the southern part of the planet. If you are to vacation there though, look to the left of the sun around sunset, I saw a picture showing it there, but that was awhile ago, and it's position might have changed. Once 2011 rolls around, you should see it as a large, red object in the night sky.

  2. There are plenty of people on YA who will tell you it doesn't exist, so you won't get information about its location from them. You need to look at all the websites promoting Nibiru and 2012 doomsday. Guess what? You won't find the information there either. Even the people who say it exists don't know where to look for it. Doesn't that tell you something?

  3. if it is Nebulous ,(0,0,0).

  4. Im sorry, the answer you want just doesnt exist, because no-ones actually seen it, its just "theorised" to exist by people with no real qualifications. If you want to, go outside with a telescope, search the night sky and hope to be the first to find it. If you do, you will be a hero. If not, then at least you will get to see some cool stuff.

    And you can't report a valid answer.

  5. Look towards Hobbiton.

    It is supposedly coming at us from directly over the south pole, so if you were attempt to see it you will need to be in the southern hemisphere looking due south.  Don't waste your time though, there are many other celistial object that actually exist that are far more interesting.

  6. Nibiru is actually pretty easy to see in the night sky. Its currently the brightest object next to the moon.... it is also the largest planet in our solar system. In case your wondering, Nibiru is an ancient term for "Jupiter" which is the planet I'm referring to. And who would be skeptical of Jupiter? If you are talking about the supposed "planet x" and you think that it is real, then you are crazy.

    EDIT: Hey, why are you reporting me? I gave you the answer. But seeing as your going to report anyway, I might as well go all out in the morons that believe in "planet x". They could at least get half a brain to come up with a name that hasn't already been taken. Nibiru is an ancient name for Jupiter. So go ahead and report. I think I can survive. I really couldn't care less. Its just fun watching people get so blinded by their own ignorance that they aren't even open to opposing arguments. Its obvious that anyone that does believe in Nibiru doesn't know the first thing about astronomy. When it comes 2013, I will be posting a forum on the astronomy and space section: "2012ers and Nibiru-ers apologize here!". So go ahead and report.

    Have fun looking for a fake planet!

  7. I'm not skeptical, it just doesn't you'll never find it in the sky.

  8. According to historic records:

    RA: 18h 58m 47s

    Dec: -23° 1' 17"

    According to Sitchin:

    Anywhere. Her imaginary alien friends have not been able to give her accurate coordinates.

    All that is known, is that it must be currently maximal 11 AU away from Earth. Between Saturn and Uranus in distance. It would also have significant relative motion to Earth, so it would appear on any asteroid scan pointing in the direction.

    And yes, I am skeptical, but you can feel free to report me. This will only report you.

  9. If you are going to look for Niburu, You will need to look at at a 45 degree angle downward towards a fictional book.

    Hope you find it!

    Good Luck Froggy

  10. I believe it's first star on the right and on 'til morning.

    But it should be pretty easy to spot (so I'm told) by the end of the year in 2012.

    (Did I really write all that with a straight face? ☺)


  11. I am skeptical... okay, in total disbelief in both Nibiru and the silly sots that purport to believe in it.

    I DO have something valuable to offer you... enlightenment.

    Stop looking for something that doesn't exist.  No one will give you an RA and Dec on Nibiru OR on the Easter Bunny OR the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

    its OBVIOUS to anyone that thinks about it (even for a sec) that Nibby doesn't exist... CAN'T exist, at least as described...

    Let me ask a question... has Nibiru passed thru the Solar System before according to your sources?  If so... explain why all the planets still have nearly perfect... barely eccentric orbits?  Venus is nearly a perfect CIRCLE!

    Stop being silly.

  12. Nibiru is directly behind you.  Don't bother looking, because it will stay behind you no matter where you look.  And don't even think of trying to fool it with a mirror or video camera.  It's far too clever for that.

    When it's obvious the entire thing is a jumped-up prophecy of doom turned loose by a bunch of modern-day raving idiots, "amused" is more fitting description than "skeptical".

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