
If someone were to win the MoH, and live....

by  |  earlier

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A friend and I discussed what what would happen if a Soldier were to win the MoH and live through the event. I say that that Soldier would have a charmed career while my friend believes that s/he would have to be a regular joe like the rest of us. I think that if it were to happen that Soldier would not have to worry about promotions to at least SFC or so. (BTW our scenario was a lower enlisted)




  1. Lets put it this way - if you win the MOH, the president salutes you.

    Yeah, you'll make your next promotion with no problem.

  2. I'm guessing if they are a MoH recipient they would probably be wounded and unfit for service and would probably be honorably discharged.  But yes they would have a charmed career ahead of them especially if they worked for the government - however they would likely not be the type that would boast about it and you probably wouldn't hear about their stories because of what they went through to get it.  All in all it would be a prestigious award but you would live with the memories of your combat times the rest of your life.

  3. You don't win the MoH, it is not a prize.  You earn it.

  4. many people have won the Medal of Honor and lived

    i think they would easily get promoted but in a few years would just be an average joe.  

  5. There are many people who have won the medal of honor and not died.

    At the division change of command I went to recently.. there was a man who had earned one there.

    Just because you get a medal of honor doesn't mean you have to die

    But in most cases.. you do..

  6. It only seems to be a recent phenomenon that people have to have passed in order to receive the MoH. Lots of people used to get it AND live to tell about it.  

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