
If someone you love is in jail and they are given a life sentence to serve without parole ,What would you do?

by  |  earlier

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He didn't hurt anyone,he was at the store and a guy he knew spoke to him and his girl friend ,after that things went wrong.The man waited for another man to comeout the store and robbed him and he shot the man and he pushed the fire arm into my loveone arms and took off he did try to help this man but ended up with charges,they have on tape that my love one tried to help this man but the police says he couldv'e did more but he didn't he ran to when he heard the police sieren .We can't afford a paid lawyer and it seems another person will be lost in the system.He means alot to us he was just in the wrong place wrong time.The guy was caught and hasn't been charged with this crime,he did tell them my love one didn't have anything to do with it but they don't care . The guy is serving 18 years for something else but he need to be charged for his crimes.




  1. Dee....

    You have to move on.  You cant live your life like this... You are cheating yourself out of your own life.

    He would not have ran, if he was completely innocent.  Just wouldnt have...

    I hope this helps...


  2. I'm not sure I believe his story.  Why would he run if he was truly trying to help the victim?

  3. Honey you need not hear everything you believe!! That is the first thing to think of. If there are tapes I would ask to view them and see for your self. My husband is a career criminal I am in the process of getting divorced I believed everything that he said I was woken up at 430 am by the FBI he was robbing bars in the middle of the night!!

    Good Luck to you!

  4. This sounds like a crazy story..if your love one didn't do anything he should of sat their till the cops came, and explained what happened. As soon as he ran, he makes him self look guilty. I know if my love one went to jail and was convicted for this I would move on, and find something else, that person is never going to get out of jail, so unless you want to go visit a prison for the rest of your life. stay with him.  

  5. wow thats rough.  Be there for him.  Visit him and send him stuff while he is locked up.  He will be blessed by you.  He will need someone while he is locked up.  It will make his time that much easier

  6. The way I read this, your loved one was attending the injured man and holding the gun that shot him.  Your friend then ran when the police drove up.  I'm guessing since you ask the question about a life sentence, the injured man must have died.  That would be the only way I could see a life sentence for any one involved in this.  All that said, the investigators should have easily been able to prove if your friend fired a gun or not.  That's the easiest way to close a question like that.  They can test his hands for gun powder on the scene.  If they didn't do that, then a defense attorney should have a pretty easy task to win his acquittal.  He's entitled to a defense attorney, whether of not you can pay.  If he knows more information on the robbery and shooting, he needs to have counsel present and talk with the detectives and tell them every thing he knows.  Just make sure he knows not to talk without counsel present,  

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