
If someone you never just really knew die in your family are you suppose to be sad.

by Guest65337  |  earlier

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ok here goes i just found out my brother on my dad's side just passed away and my husband thinks i'm suppose to be sad, but it's like i can't be because i never really knew him,i mean don't get me wrong i'm sad that he died so young but when you've only just knew of someone how are you suppose to feel.i've met him maybe 5 times while i was i wrong for feeling this way?




  1. Why should you make yourself feel sad?

    Sadness is not an emotion you want to feel. If you don't feel sad, you don't feel sad. There is no way you "should" or "shouldn't" feel. These are your thoughts and feelings and it is your life, Why not choose to NOT be sad?

    Don't feel guilty for the way that you feel.

  2. Someone in my family died and I wasn't sad. My mother assured me that its okay NOT to be sad. I can understand why you wouldn't be sad.

  3. You cannot control how you feel. You don't have to be sad, but feel sympathy. Also people may feel sad for their father for losing his brother.

    There are many different types of emotions and you cannot control them. But you can control how you react.

  4. No. You feel what you feel and their is no reason to be ashamed about that. Why be sad when you hardly knew the guy. Yes, a death is a tragic occurrence and that passing should be mourned, but if the guy wasn't close to you, why would you want to be sad? It doesn't make sense. I would go to the funeral if I were you, but you don't have to be sad if you aren't. If the emotion is ingenuine it isn't worth feeling. Good luck! Sorry about your loss!  

  5. You are not wrong your feelings are your own.In your situation I would be there to support my family but beyond that you are not required to feel anything other than what you feel. I don't know that I would express that to everyone You can feel sad for your dad as he will be grieving terribly. No one has the right to tell you how to feel just as you dont have the right to tell them. Remember your dad it is never a good feeling to out live a child.  I personally see death differently than most if someone is old and frail I have a real hard time feeling sad it seems selfish to me to hold onto someone who has no possibility of a quality life. When someone young dies I feel sad for the people who loved them not them they arein no pain and in a better place its the ones left behind that hurt. Good luck tough situation

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