
If someone you were dating told you they didn't like what you wore?

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would you tell them where to go or take what they said into account?

I only ask because they guy I have been dating for about a year reckons I don't dress up enough...I feel comfortable in my baggy jeans and casual tops!




  1. i'd feel offended. i usually express how i fell by dressing a certain way. i love my fashion sense and i wouldn't change anything about me for someone who doesn't respect me for who i am.

  2. It all depends on the situation.

    If I took you to a nice restaurant or to meet family and you wore jeans and a t-shirt I would be disappointed.

    However if he never gives you a reason to dress up and wants you to "Just because" I'd call bullshit on it.

  3. I'd tell them until they start buying all of my clothes I will wear whatever the h**l I want. And even if they did start buying my clothes, I would return them for the cash and still wear what the h**l I want. Don't ever let anyone tell you what to do, say, wear, think, etc.

  4. Look he should love you as you are and as you were when he fell in love with you. I will say that you might want to dress up a little more just for him. I mean any relationship is about compromise and doing things for the one you love. Now that works both ways he should do the same for you.  

  5. Hi!

    All it requires the way we think of making ourselves presentable.

    Basically we dress up to look impressive. And if the other person says we don't look so, then we can consider their opinion too and see if they really mean their statement.

  6. idk you can choose to be offended or not.

    Maybe he just thinks you're really pretty when you dress up :-)

  7. Maybe they want you to dress s**y for them sometimes.  It wouldn't kill you.  Try it.

  8. maybe he just misses it when you used to get all girlied up before a big date (if u ever did lol). maybe he just likes to know you put a lil effort into it and he likes showing off how pretty you are. i know my bf likes it when i get all dressed up and pretty before we do something special. if its not a special occasion though, i would tell him to shove it lol  

  9. I'd say if your comfortable and like your style then stick to it. Never change yourself just because someone else doesn't like it. If he really like you that much he'd accept you for who you are and like you for just the way you are. But if he's shallow enough to not want to continue seeing you just because the way your dressed, then I'd say forget him girl, find someone that'd appreciate you, for being you. But of course, if you'd like, you can always change your look around a little bit according to YOUR comfort zone :] Good luck. hope that helped.

  10. I would take into account what they said if I had been dating them that long. I would also ask myself "has this person taken me anyplace that dressing up would be needed?" If they hadn't, I would ask for a compromise. He takes me someplace nice, and when he does... I will dress appropriately for it. On the other hand, he can't expect you to look like a porcelain doll all the time and he will need to get used to your casual look when you are not going out someplace.

      Since he wants you to dress up more, maybe he would just like to see you in something s**y once in a while too. It can't hurt to give him a little of that once in a while. You shouldn't have to change what you do every day though.

  11. I do believe there is a happy medium. I mean if he does bring up the fact he'd like you to dress up sometimes....maybe if the occasion is appropriate then couldn't you tease him at least that much? I think there is a time and place for everything....and maybe you could tell him....that you will sometimes for him. But obviously be comfortable too...if you are just going to the mall or sitting at home with shouldn't have to dress to impress too much. I think if you have a happy's all good!  

  12. hmm well it depends on how he said it. if you think he is being too controlling about it, maybe he is being controlling about other things?

    if he is you should get out of the relationship

    however, if he just mentioned that maybe u should dress up more, then you should def take that into consideration.

    For example, if you like dressing casually and comfortably, dress like that. But if there is some like event or special night you are spending together with him, put something more dressy on every once in a while just to show that you love him but don't like change yourself for him.

    good luck :)

  13. i feel as if maybe you need to start dressing up a bit no just for him but for you. how old are you

  14. If it was someone I was just starting to see, I would probably tell them to get bent.  But, in your case, if you've been seeing him for a year, maybe he just wants to see the more feminine side of you, sometimes thats s**y.  Just dress up for him once every few months, it might be fun!

  15. Why is he just speaking up after a year? Does he think your age difference mean you have to dress more like him, or is he trying to be a father figure?

    I had a bf do this to me... and then all of a sudden he started coming out with all this stuff he wanted me to change. He started trying to control certain things I did. None of this came out before either... needless to say I got rid of him- it hurt to know that he didn't like me for me.

    My husband does this to me too on occasion, as ironic as that may sound. He didn't do it until after we were married.... maybe it's a guy thing? I don't ever try to change him, or tell him what to do- I don't understand why people do this.

    Does it bother you?

  16. that would be our final date.

  17. I would tell him to F off haha...

    No really you need to tell him it wont work with you (dressing up) because the whole confidence thing will go down hill, tell him that you simply feel comfy wearing what you do and if he doesn't like it then make up something about what you dont like that he does or wears haha it works everytime :)  

  18. Its about what u like to wear if he dont like it, tough s hit for the most part, but if he wants u to dress up a little more, u should do it for him every once and a while

  19. did you ask him? don't ask if you don't want the answer. Sometimes guys get jealous when you dress up to go out and then you dress down for him. he wants to see you s**y, too.  

  20. tell him .. wtf it was good enough when you met me.. and don't return any of his calls for a week.. that will straighten him out..

  21. Life's too short, do it make him happy, he'll f** off eventually  

  22. Well if they are important to you then you should care what they think!

  23. It's possible that he feels insecure about himself. Guys aren't very different in the way they measure up situations. For example, when a girl dresses up very nicely for a guy it sends the clear message that she WANTS to look as good as possible, that she WANTS to feel as attractive as possible. This tells the guy that she cares. In turn he'll try to focus and dress well to feel at his best.

    Of course, it's perfectly cool to dress comfortably. That in itself sends the message that you feel relaxed and less self-conscious around him. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to occasionally make him feel that you're focused on the romantic aspects of a relationship.

  24. No in this case I would not be offended at all because I don't think he meant it as a put down but as a way of saying I want to see you looking more s**y myself and he knows you can yet you don't want to. Men enjoy and like women to dress up for them for 2 reasons one they want to show you off yet then they get jealous most of the time and the other reason is because he wants to enjoy it to. But to be honest most men don't want their women looking to good because they don't want the attention it attracts to their woman. If he had said something about what you was wearing then it would have been a put down but he was just trying to get the best part of you showing instead of the jeans which don't mean he said anything bad to you at all.

  25. I would dump him.  I am happy with myself and if he doesn't like it he can take a flying leap.

  26. Surprise him... dress up for once. Every girl needs to dress up every once on awhile.    

  27. i dnt mind,coz am not wearing dress 4 any one.dat s ma wish.

  28. You should dress up occasionally, this guy probably always thinks your pretty but you have to spice things up.

    It's nice to feel comfortable and wear what you want around him but you still need to keep him in check and keep the attention on you.

  29. I suggest a compromise.  Dress up for him sometimes, and dress down for yourself sometimes.  That way you both win.

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