
If someone your interested in gets drunk to the point of saturation (eww) and they want you when they are?

by  |  earlier

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pizzed as a newt, do you

a; jump in with both feet

b"politely decline and wait till their sober

3:get drunk also..

4:ring their parent/guardian/social worker/ aa sponsor

5; want my number?




  1. for all you know they had to get sloushed to let you do them. does this hppen to you often.

    unless your married to them you aint responsible.

    of course outta friendship or concern you might ask them why do you get wasted? and attempt to help them to recover.

    many was the time when i was a bartender that i ended up witj 3- 4 drunken ladies waiting for me when i got off work.

    id always say umm eatin breakfast makes me horny lets go eat. then over a meal we got to know one another before we fell into the sheets

  2. They really need help I would do everything I could to help them straighten their life out.  If that means talking to their parents, guardian, social worker, AA sponsor or a school counselor.  But let someone know who can help them.  They may hate you but you saved their life!

  3. Buy them incontininence pants their

  4. b

  5. Get drunk also.

  6. decline - it won't be memorable for the other party.

  7. take a video and show them you did not abuse them and suggest alt. activities later

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