
If someones great-grandmother and my great-grandfather are brother and sister, what is my relationship to her?

by Guest66993  |  earlier

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Just curious, because I've never been able to figure it out




  1. Let's see...

    That man would be your grandmother's Uncle, which would make him your mother's Great Uncle, which would make him your Great-Great Uncle.

    You grandmother and the great-grandfather would be uncle and niece.

  2. You are third cousins.

  3. That woman that is your great grandfathers sister is your great great aunt, if she was your grandfathers sister she would be your great aunt but because she is your great grandfathers sister she is your great great aunt

  4. You are her great niece, I almost sure , but I was puzzled about who was the someones great grandma  you were referring to yourself or someone else. But if it was you it would be a great niece.

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